SUNDAY TIMES WEB DESK:Reproaching the practice influencing the electorate by using Indian armed forces, the former admiral said the “recent instances of using the armed forces for political gains, especially in the aftermath of both Pulwama and the strikes in Balakot” is against the ethos of the armed forces.

“There should not be any misuse of these recent events by any political party to send triumphalist or jingoistic messages which can influence the electorate,” the Indian ex-Navy chief wrote.

He added: “It is in this context that as a responsible citizen and a veteran of the Indian Armed Forces, I share our collective sense of dismay and deep concern at how some political parties are brazenly pushing their agenda using images, uniforms and other examples, showing pictures of the armed forces with political figures, in public spaces, in media, election rallies and so on.”

The letter of erstwhile Indian Navy chief read, these instances are completely unacceptable since they have the potential to destroy the very foundations and value system of the armed forces.