SUNDAY TIMES WEB DESK:The young women, aged 20 and 18, found themselves marooned after Saudi consular officials allegedly intercepted them during a stopover at the city’s airport and later revoked their passports.

The pair, who have adopted the aliases Reem and Rawan, described a deeply unhappy upbringing in a middle-class Riyadh household.

They claim they were beaten by their father when they were young, and by their brothers when they got older, for small transgressions.

They claim that even their 10-year-old brother participated and began to police the way they dressed.

“He was only a child but he learned this from his brothers and from his father and from all the men around him, that this is the good way to be a man and to deal with women,” Reem said.

They decided to bolt for freedom during a family holiday overseas, when their passports would be kept in their parents’ bag instead of a safe.

They started planning for the trip two years ago to coincide with Rawan’s 18th birthday, so that she could apply for a visitor’s visa to Australia on her own.

The opportunity arrived last September, when the family travelled to Sri Lanka for vacation.

While their parents were sleeping, the sisters retrieved their passports and boarded a flight from Colombo to Hong Kong.

But trouble awaited them at the other end. They claim they were obstructed by several unknown men at the city’s airport, including one who tried to trick them into boarding a plane back to Riyadh.

They said their onward flight booking to Melbourne had been cancelled and later learned the man was Saudi Arabia’s consul general in Hong Kong.

The sisters suspect their father tracked their movements using Absher, a controversial mobile app that operates as a portal to Saudi government services but also allows men to keep tabs on female relatives.

Critics say the app enables abuse against women, with US lawmaker Ron Wyden urging Google and Apple to remove it from their smartphones.

The sisters say their passport information was stored in the app and may have been used by their parents to track down the flights they booked.

They also believe their uncle may have helped mobilise consular officials through his government connections.

Fearing they were about to be “forcibly abducted”, the sisters entered Hong Kong as visitors.

The pair have lived in hiding in Hong Kong for nearly six months since and have changed locations 13 times for fear of their safety — hotels, hostels, private homes, and even a boat one night, they say.

They also claim police attempted to take them to meet with male relatives and Saudi officials.

Hong Kong’s security minister John Lee said Friday that “police have received two separate reports, one regarding missing person(s) and one regarding request for investigation”. He declined to elaborate further.

Immigration authorities said they would “not comment on individual cases”.

The sisters’ concerns deepened after they learned from their lawyer that their passports were revoked in November, leaving them stateless.

The Saudi consulate in Hong Kong did not respond to requests for comment.

But the sisters say they are fearful of being returned to Saudi Arabia and facing their family’s wrath.