Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chairman Imran Khan on Tuesday asked if asking for justice from the courts regarding government crackdown on his party workers is tantamount to pressurising judiciary.

“Is asking for justice pressurising the courts?” he asked, adding

“If we want to know from the courts [why] we are being baton-charged, roads are being blocked and women are being arrested… is this pressurising the courts?”

He said PTI leaders will raise the issue in Supreme Court.

“What crime have we committed that PTI workers are being arrested? Why was I put under house arrest?”

He also questioned under which law the Pervez Khattak-led convoy of PTI protesters was stopped from reaching Islamabad.

“Nawaz Sharif fought election with ISI [Inter Services Intelligence] money, he doesn’t know what democracy is.”

In response to a question about Sheikh Rasheed’s tweet that Khan should step down from Bani Gala, the PTI chief said “the captain works according to his own strategy”. He said he has a strategy for Nov 2, when he will leave Bani Gala for the capital “no matter what obstacles” the government puts in his way.