SUNDAY TIMES KOHAT: According to a statement of the local administration, the mine workers were kidnapped after a brawl between the two groups of miners.

The incident took place after the evening prayers, local sources said. Two miners were managed to escape from the kidnappers.

The security agencies sealed the mountainous region and began a search operation to free the kidnapped mine workers after getting information about the incident.

The kidnappers fled after leaving the abducted miners in an area in the mountains. According to a report, hand grenades, pistols and masks were found in the area where the abductors had kept the miners overnight.

The forces investigating into the incident to arrest the perpetrators of kidnapping incident.

Darra Adam Khel town in Kohat region located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, has gained fame and notoriety for its markets packed with gunsmiths and weapons traders.

The town consists of a main street lined with multiple shops, along with some alleys and side streets containing workshops.