SUNDAY TIMES WEB DESK: Addressing students at Oxford University, Abbasi refuted any link of Pakistan with recent attack on Indian troops in the territory.

The bomb attack on Indian paramilitary police bus at Pulwama in occupied Kashmir, killed around 40 personnel.

It is said to be the deadliest attack on Indian occupation forces in Kashmir since a people’s movement against Indian rule began in the region in year 1989.

The former prime minister urged for settlement of Kashmir dispute according to the resolutions of the United Nations.

Abbasi in his address said Pakistan and India are nuclear powers and urged the two countries to solve contentious issues between them with dialogue.

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, who is affiliated with Pakistan’s major opposition party PML-N, said the entire world joined hands but failed to defeat terrorism in Afghanistan but Pakistan on its own defeated terrorists and extremists on its land.

Former prime minister while talking on political situation in Pakistan, emphasized for a strong democratic order in the country. He said, a mid-term election is possible, if the incumbent government wouldn’t alter its ways.

He also claimed that this government has inflicted historic loss to the economy of Pakistan.