CHITRAL: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announces different development programs in Chitral and inaugurated a string of development projects in Chitral on Wednesday, including construction of a university and a hospital.

Sharif reviewed the construction work of Lowari Tunnel which is expected to be completed by the next year.

Discussing the under-construction Lowari Tunnel, which connects Dir and Chitral Valley, the prime minister said the construction of the road tunnel would be completed by mid-2017. He said 27 billion rupees were being spent on the project.

Lowari Tunnel will link Chitral with the rest of the country in all weather conditions.  It should be noted that the mainland’s link with Chitral disconnects during winter due to heavy snowfall, which closes the tunnel.

Addressing a rally in Chitral, the prime minister said that he was happy that people of Chitral have now started to understand Urdu language.

PM Sharif said construction would soon start of a 250-bed hospital in the region. He also announced that a 125 KVA transmission line would be laid from Golen Gol to Chitral.

The premier promised the locals that development work would continue in Chitral in tandem with the rest of the country. He said all of the local development projects would be realized taking into consideration the wishes of the people of Chitral, adding that most of the projects would be completed by 2018.

He said that he loves the people of Chitral with the core of his heart. He added that the city is just as important to him as Lahore and Karachi.

“When I visited Chitral last time, I was the prime minister and today I am still the premier. I will again be the PM in 2018 when I will visit the area,” he said.


PM Sharif further said all that the opponents do is speak out against the government but the public had seen through them. “The public has taken notice,” the premier said, referring to the low turnouts at recent Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) rallies in Punjab and Karachi.

“May Almighty Allah guide them,” PM Nawaz said.