SUNDAY TIMES LAHORE: Prime Minister Imran Khan will be directly responsible if anything happens to Nawaz Sharif’s health,” he warned while speaking to the media outside the Kot Lakhpat Jail, Lahore.

“Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif are not being provided medical facilities,” he lamented, adding that the elder Sharif’s personal doctor was denied permission for his check-up inside the prison.

“Our silence should not be deemed as our weakness. If anything happens to Nawaz Sharif, PML-N lions will respond to fight.”

Slamming the PTI-led federal government’s policies, the former interior minister said, “To expect relief from the government was akin to deceiving yourself.”

He claimed the party was brought to power as per an international conspiracy which didn’t want the PML-N to return to power and complete CPEC projects.

The PML-N leader said Prime Minister Imran Khan didn’t disclose his wife’s assets in his nomination papers for the 2018 elections and demanded the Supreme Court to take suo motu notice of it and disqualify him as a member of parliament.