PAKISTAN: Maryam Masood and Erum Masood flew the coveted Boeing-777 aircraft to several local and international destinations.

The Pakistan International Airline (PIA) is usually embroiled in controversies but two women brought laurels to the national carrier by operating two flights at the same time.

Maryam Masood and Erum Masood made history on Tuesday as they flew the coveted Boeing-777 aircraft to several local and international destinations concurrently

The duo was able to turn their dream into reality after the younger sister Irum recently got her license to travel along her elder sibling.

It is reportedly for the first time in the country’s, in fact South Asian history that two real sisters captained a plane such as the Boeing to operate several flights together.

However, Pakistani women have earned honours for the country in the airline chapter, earlier as well.

In November last year, 24-year-old Flying Officer of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Marium Mukhtar was martyred when her training aircraft crashed near Mianwali.

In 2006, seven women broke into one of the country’s most exclusive male clubs to graduate as fighter pilots — perhaps the most prestigious job in the powerful military and for six decades closed to them.